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I got stuck in between my 2 teammates (im in the doorway) and my visibility gone (cant even see the teammate that block my path), anyway 10/10 so far for alpha version

Thanks for raising. Issue found and fix pushed. Great to hear you liked it!

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Is there any way to restrain guards once you knock them out? I found I could repeatedly drop them in a bed and attack them until they died, but their body stayed and was completely uninteractable. Also, I assume there's something intentional going on, but once I equipped two prisoners, they started fighting each other. Couldn't break out of the starting prison after multiple attempts

Happen to me , they where different races in my case (one green the other one my color)after that i just happen to get lucky and 2 of the prisoners where same color and they didnt fight each other

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See comment below related to this. Also added the faction name to the target info screen to make it clear who & what they are

Just pushed an update.

You can't restrain but you can damage their head or torso when downed so it takes them longer to recover. Go too far and kill them and it will have knock on consequences for that faction for the rest of the game. As part of this, I fixed the issue with uninteractable dead bodies.

Made some tweaks in dialog and what they say out loud to highlight that each faction won't work with each other to escape as they hate each other that much. You have to pick a side.

To balance this out, there are now 2 members of each faction as prisoners and I've increased their stats so you have a better chance of escaping with them.

Been trying to get tons of gear and strike back but at dat 3 ish i alwats die of starvation , i even make sure to get all meals , eat more stuff by looting around and keeping some green all the time  :C

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Thanks for raising. Found the issue (if anyone on the map starved to death, you had a game over). Fix pushed

Thanks for the hard work , so i was making a video and by the end the backpack glitch , the inventory was still there (I could buy and sell stuff with shards inside the backpack but i could not open or acces the contents like armor and food) I have 2 backpacks, one in general inventory other equip and none open its content (Tried reloading but no luck )and the problem appear after exit the slaver camp

other than that the game is quite fun !

Fix pushed to avoid backpacks getting into that state in the first place and also added a note in the tooltip to highlight it's right click to open as that was missing.

To fix any existing broken backpacks, load into a map, drop the backpack on the ground and then loot the tile to pick it back up and it should now work again as intended.

Great to hear you found it quite fun so far, a lot more to come!

Thanks a lot , it did come to my mind that i hadnt try drop the backpack 

Oh one more thing , are maps meant to be different every time , one time i leave some stuff on a box , exit the map and re enter and all the stuff dissapear, is this mean to happen ?

Maps will have the same layout and units but their stats and gear in boxes/inventories will reset. Main driver for this was faster load times but it also makes inventory management more important. It also results in higher risk hunts when you're holding a lot of shards which keeps things interesting. I have been thinking about the ability to buy a house in a village that will keep your stored items saved but that needs some more thought

I was intrigued, but the "start new game" button isn't doing anything when I click it.

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Hi Tahnan, did you enter a character name at least 3 letters long before pressing the start new game button? I've just pushed an update to auto-generate an initial name if you want to get started asap

Oh, I see what happened!  There was a bar that said "Enter name" and then a bar below it with some random letters, and I thought that the "Enter name" bar was a header and you were supposed to enter a name in the second box.  It's much clearer now!